A World Economic Forum report once shared that Critical Thinking is one of the most sought-after career skills employers look for when trying to attract and retain the best talents. Employers also believe critical thinking skills will become even more essential in the coming years.
Leadership Lessons From Queen Elizabeth II
While many are mourning Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, this time is also an excellent opportunity to look back and reminisce about her legacy. As she was the longest-reigning British monarch in history, with 70 years of leadership and seeing 14 prime ministers take control of her government while she maintained Head of State, there is no denying that HRH has set the bar high and is a well-respected role model for leaders.
Let us reflect on what we can learn from her extraordinary reign.
Feeling Overwhelmed? Here Are Some Tips That Can Help You
Feeling overwhelmed is normal. Who wouldn’t feel this when life has become one big balancing act? Whether it is our personal or professional life, we want to do everything simultaneously. On top of that, we feel that we have to excel on all hats that we wear in life- we put so much pressure on ourselves to be the best spouse, parent, child, employee, friend, and individual.
According to Psychologist Marla W. Deibler, PsyD, being overwhelmed is “feeling completely overcome in mind or emotions.” She also said that we feel overwhelmed when we think that a stressor is too significant for us to manage.
6 Common Money Myths That Are Bust Worthy
Many of us tend to fall on different money myths.
We have believed in some things for so long that we haven’t realized they’re just myths. This is because we are influenced by our seniors, parents or friends. Some of these beliefs are passed on from generation to generation!
Do you know money myths actually prevent you from becoming financially successful?
Below are some common financial myths that are bust worthy.
8 Reasons Why You Should Keep Reaching For Your Goals
Reaching financial goals is a challenge for every individual. We sometimes lose track of our expenses, forget to save and invest and fail to keep our promises to attain financial goals. Thus, we always have to remind ourselves why we want and need it.
To keep you motivated, here are list of reasons why you should keep reaching for your financial goals.
10 New Year’s Resolution To Achieve Your Financial Goals This 2018
Congratulations if you have started saving or investing! If not, the good news is you can start all over again this 2018. It’s never too late to start working on your financial goals.
The new year is a great time to start.
Here are few things you can add to your financial new year’s resolution.
3 Reasons Stress is Good For You
Lately it feels like I’ve been burning the candle at both ends. Between work, side hustling, and all my personal commitments, I’m starting to brink on feeling overwhelmed. This isn’t a new feeling for me, in fact I consistently keep my plate pretty full. I used to think I was just a glutton for punishment, however over the years I’ve realized that by keeping busy and maintaining a manageable level of stress, I’m actually more productive.
Research shows that certain levels of stress can actually good for us. Stress is believed to help boost your immune system, mood, and overall well-being. There are other benefits to stress, too. Below are three different ways that stress can benefit us.
Good Stress vs. Bad Stress
It’s important to note the difference between “good” stress and “bad” stress, otherwise known as eustress and distress. It’s easy to confuse the two because generally we regard all stressful feelings as negative. Eustress can be considered beneficial, and help with our motivation, focus, and energy. Distress on the other hand, can cause anxiety, decrease productivity, and cause mental and physical ailments. So, keep in mind when I talk about the benefits of stress, in general I’m talking about an optimal level of good stress.
Have Your Goals Changed?
We’re all working toward our own goals. We’re devoting our time, energy, and passion to achieve a specific result. Maybe it’s a personal goal like losing weight or training for a marathon. Or perhaps it’s a professional goal such as getting a promotion or starting your own business. So, what do you do when you realize you’re not as driven to achieve a goal as you once were? When all of a sudden it becomes clear to you that you no longer desire the one thing you’ve been striving to achieve all this time.
Signs Your Goal Has Changed
Our likes, dislikes, and interests shift over time, so naturally our goals and aspirations will change, too. If the excitement surrounding your goal has faded, or if you begin to dread the work required to accomplish your goal, you should take some time to reevaluate your goals. Maybe you set a certain goal not because you were really committed to achieving it, but instead because you felt you had to. Perhaps there are other areas of interest that excite or interest you more than what you’re currently working toward.
Luckily, it is always possible to alter your current path should you find that your goals have changed. In situations where you are unhappy with your current career or you find that you no longer have the drive needed to succeed in your industry, look into alternatives. Nursing, for example, is a rapidly expanding industry with lots of room for growth. A Bachelor of Science in Nursing would give you the chance to get started as a nurse, which opens you up to all kinds of opportunities within the field. Sometimes, all you need to give yourself a kick-start is a new set of goals.
Changing Your Mind vs. Quitting
It’s important to recognize the difference between changing your mind or changing your direction, and quitting all together. Quitting is giving up when something feels too difficult. Changing your mind is being honest with yourself about what you truly desire. It’s knowing when something is not the right fit, and being able to trust your intuition.
It’s a good idea to evaluate your goals on a regular basis. Ask yourself if you are still interested in your original goal and if it is still important to you. Assess if you have the time and commitment level to accomplish your goal. Also, check in with yourself about what might be holding you back. Giving up on a goal due to fear is different from intuitively knowing when your goals have changed or the time isn’t right.
5 Ways to Overcome Your Competitiveness
Everyone likes to feel successful in their ventures, but sometimes people take it to the extreme by needing to be the best or the winner in every situation. While it’s a great quality to always put forth your best effort, being overly competitive can cause stress and tension. It can even hinder your future success and accomplishments. Rather than succumb to these unhealthy emotions consider these methods to help you overcome your competitive nature, and instead learn to be at ease and enjoy what you have.
Celebrate the Accomplishments of Others
It may seem counter-intuitive to combat feelings of competitiveness by celebrating others accomplishments, however it’s the perfect antidote. There is a power that comes with being happy for others. When you root for and cheer on your peers, you are attracting the same energy. The support that you give to others will circle back to you and you will be better off because of it.