This week I’m hosting the Carnival of MoneyPros. It’s a collection of all the best personal finance articles from around the web over the past week. The Carnival of Money Pros is brought to you to by the Money Pros Team, and you can submit articles at Blogger Carnivals.
Editor’s Picks:
Crystal @ Married (with Debt) writes 5-Year Progress Check – I have made decent progress over the past several years in managing my finances better. How much better you might ask? Let’s take a look.
Cat @ Budget Blonde writes Saving Money Isn’t for the Sleep Deprived – Despite being up all night with my little boy bean, I thought it would be an excellent idea to go to the grocery store on Memorial Day and leave hubs with the twins.
Sam @ The New Business Blog writes 5 Top Apps for Entrepreneurs – If you are a busy entrepreneur you already have your hands full with a million different things that need to be done.
Mario @ Debt BLAG writes Two measures could make this a HUGE week for student loan reform! – This week, two proposed measures could expand the Pay As You Earn repayment option and allow borrowers to refinance their student loans
Hadley @ Epic Finances writes 9 Proven Strategies to Eliminate Debt – One of the most stressful things that can happen to a person is falling prey to what I call the Debt Trap.
Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes You Too Could Attend Warren Buffett’s Berkshire-Hathaway Meeting – If you have ever attended the annual shareholder meeting of a publicly held company, you know they can be pretty boring. The Berkshire-Hataway annual meeting however, is a different story. It is described as the Woodstock for Capitalists!
Erastus @ Sprout Wealth writes What Investments Should I Invest in My 401k? – Are you in the position of not knowing where to start with your 401k? Your 401k can be a great way to save money for retirement. I hope this post will help get you started investing in your 401k.
Jeremy @ Modest Money writes How Cloud Software Benefits The Finances Of Your Business – The benefits of cloud computing to our company’s bottom line are; No up-front start-up capital required, Lower IT costs, No need to upgrade software, Scalability, Lower energy costs, reduced office space and Predictable payments.
Mark Ross @ Money Saving Dude writes 50+ Money Saving Tips From Some of The Best Personal Finance Bloggers Today – Are you looking for ways how to save money? If you are, then let these money saving tips from some of the best personal finance bloggers today help you. [Read more…]