If you are ready to make a substantial change in your life and you are ready to start making some serious cash, you need to keep reading. When it comes to being your own boss, you essentially have two options. You can go into business on your own and start it from the ground up, or you can buy into a quality franchise. Understanding what it will take to make each one a success will ensure that you are going to make the right decision for yourself, your family, and your entire financial stability.
Archives for August 2017
How I Cut My Hours and Boosted My Income When I Quit My Job
This is a guest post from Eric Rosenberg, a finance writer at Personal Profitability, InvestmentZen, and other personal finance, technology, and travel publications.
Just like you, I used to sit at my computer reading about bloggers who were able to quit their job, work less, and earn more. And like many of you, I always looked on with a hint of jealousy and healthy dose of skepticism. While the bloggers I followed tended to avoid the scammy vibe of an infomercial, there was something a little unbelievable about the idea of working at home every day and earning more than I did as a senior financial analyst at a large company. I’m here today to tell you that much of it is absolutely true.
On April 8, 2016, I walked out of corporate America for the last time and into the jungle of online self-employment. It hasn’t always been unicorns and rainbows, but it is an amazing lifestyle. Somedays I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. If you want to learn how it works and how I was able to quit my job, boost my income, and cut my hours through online self-employment, read on!
Top Ideas to Make Yourself a Little Extra Money
We all have that time of year when we could use a little extra money. It could be to pay for repairs to your car or home, or to organize a birthday or Christmas party. Whatever the reason may be, finding the cash for extra amenities and events can be difficult.
There are ways that you can generate some additional income that can help with those extra bills. Here are a few ideas that you can try to boost your income.
The Benefits of Getting Your Behavioral Analysis Degree Online
Getting a degree can be difficult for those of us who are a little older. Most of us have full-time jobs and a family that demand a lot of our time, which makes going back to school seem like an impossible task. But luckily, if you want to get your behavioral analysis degree, you can do so from the comfort of your own home. Below you will learn the benefits of getting your degree online and what it can mean for you.