When you are stuck in a job that you are no longer enjoying, but can’t leave for fear of being unable to pay the bills or pick up a role in a more suitable industry, you can feel trapped.
This is especially true if you are interested in a master of science and engineering programs. There is no way around the fact that a high-level job in engineering requires a formal qualification, which can take a lot of time and effort to attain.
If you are already working full-time, then this can seem like an impossible dream, but although it is certainly challenging, it is by no means out of the realms of possibility.
There has never been a better time to switch careers than 2021, when there is an abundance of learning resources at your disposal online, disruption in the jobs market and the ability to work remotely if necessary.
If you are willing to work hard and maintain a high level of self-discipline, you can certainly pursue an engineering qualification in your free time. This is everything that you need to know: