We can all agree that December can be a hectic time of year, especially if you are side hustling in addition to working your full-time job. Running a side business while working full-time can be exhausting on its own. Add to that a month filled with numerous holiday events and obligations, and you have the recipe for a stress-induced meltdown.
Rather than succumbing to stress and burnout this month, use these methods to ensure balance between your work and holiday obligations. You’ve worked hard all year long, and deserve to enjoy yourself while meeting your deadlines at the same time.
Make a schedule
Create a schedule that includes all of your day job, side hustle, and holiday responsibilities. Looking at all of your commitments in one place will help you stay organized and can be useful in planning your work for the month. Seek out free time in your schedule that you can devote to specific projects and tasks. Consider putting in extra work up front, especially during the lulls in your schedule, so that you can free up time for other events and obligations.
For example, if you know you are going to be busy with family and friends the last two weekends of the month, try front loading your time during the first two weekends of the month. By getting ahead on your work, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your events without feeling the pressure of looming due dates and deadlines.