Getting out of debt is not easy. But with the right strategy and an ounce of discipline, you can pay off your debts.
Most get out of debt advice out there tell you to add more income so that you can pay off your debts. And there’s really nothing wrong with this advice. In fact, this is great advice. With the extra income, you can use that to pay off debts.
But sometimes what you need is not extra income, but fewer expenses.
Most people fall into a ton of debt not because their income isn’t enough but because they’re living way above their means.
So before you try to find extra work for an extra income, try your best first to follow a budget and stick with it. Because sometimes, having an extra income will just give extra money to blow.
Using your income now, you can pay off your debts without having to work on a second job.
Here are 3 practical ways on how to do that.