Passive income is probably one of the biggest reasons why so many people are starting niche sites or writing a blog these days. Just in the personal finance sphere alone, it seems like there are hundreds of new blogs popping up every year. Some have good information, some have bad, but they all have one thing in common. A lot of new bloggers see the opportunity that exists to write about something they love and get paid for it. Once you’ve established yourself, you can hire other people to do the work for you and sit back and reap the benefits: this is passive income at its finest.
There are personal finance blogs out there that started just like this one(but 5-10 years ago) that are now selling for millions of dollars. Although these blogs are definitely the exception and not the norm, it highlights the potential that exists in the online marketplace. If someone is willing to pay 3 million dollars for a personal finance blog, they must be pretty confident in that blog’s ability to produce consistent income. [Read more…]