The calendar year is winding to a close, and most of us are now reflecting on the goals we set for ourselves this year. Did you struggle with any of your goals this year? If so, you’re not alone. We all encounter obstacles along the way, often times finding ourselves face-to-face with our own fears and doubts. When fear and doubt enter the picture it’s easy to let them take over and influence our decisions. Once that happens it’s not uncommon for our goals to get pushed aside.
Take for example someone who has wanted to start a blog for a long time, but keeps putting it off because they are worried about certain what ifs. What if no one reads it? What if their friends and family don’t understand? What if they aren’t a good enough writer? As these fears and doubts begin to creep in, they decide to hold off on starting a blog of their own. They promise themselves that once their writing improves they’ll feel more confident about starting a blog.
We all face feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability at one time or another, and it’s easy to let that fear dictate our actions. However, rather than letting our fears and doubts put our goals in jeopardy, we need to enable strategies to help us overcome fear and doubt. Consider these four steps to help you break through your feelings of fear and doubt, and put you on the path to achieving your goals.
Start Today!
If you want to start a blog, or even a freelance writing career, don’t put it off just because you’re afraid your writing skills aren’t up to par. By taking a step in the direction of your goal and simply starting the process, you will feel an incredible boost in confidence. The more you work towards your goal, the better you will get. If you write every single day you are guaranteed to improve. You’ll be glad you chose to start when you did, even though you weren’t perfect in the beginning. But, you need to start today. The simple decision to take action is more than most people can do. You don’t need to be the best at what you do, you just need to be the one who actually goes ahead and does it.