“Defensive driving” what’s that!
Most new drivers behind the wheel would have been told the term, but wouldn’t have been explained the same, when it comes to defensive driving. And there are many horrifying and untrue imageries of the same doing the rounds on the concept. Popular notion when the term is mentioned is that one has to drive at turtle speed, and should be hesitant to drive as they want when on the lanes and highways across the nation.
The true meaning of defensive driving
- No you aren’t a hesitant driver
- No you wouldn’t have to drive slower than a turtle
- No you wouldn’t have to be scared while being behind the wheel
Highly recommended
While most driving schools would insist on ways to master the art of defensive driving, very few would tell you the real picture out there. Here are five tips on how to make the best driver within come out behind the wheel!
Break your bad habits one at a time
If you’ve seen your folks at home, at school or at college breaking rules while driving, chances are you would be tempted to do so. Stay away from the evil temptation, and focus on the big picture. There are citizens across the nation who has never ever had to serve penalties or traffic fines, because they were and have been ardent followers of the ‘big picture’, inculcating values from defensive driving. We all have bad habits, but the best driver is he or she who knows how to conquer them!
Why the distraction?
Think at times you cannot just see the roads clearly and your head spins when you have to stress a lot while looking at a red light signal? You clearly need to get your eye check-up and get your power checked. Post doing that, we think you should have a look at a sassy collection of eyeglasses at Zennioptical.com. But, hey before doing that do avail some breath-taking discounts and steal deals at Zenni Optical where you could buy trendy eyeglasses while saving on it generously!
But wait, do you have to text that to your BFF right away- while being on the dreaded highway, where cars at breakneck speeds zoom around? Do you have to play your music so loud, so as not to hear the pickup truck honking away for space behind your car? Your focus should be on the road, and no where else. Of what use would it be to tell your BFF about the latest fling, date, shopping experience or movie this Friday, if you don’t reach home safe? Think about this!
Look left and right
While crossing intersections, and considering the dangers with them, the t-bone accidents especially takes many lives here. Just because the lights turn GREEN, it doesn’t give you the signal to ramble away at breakneck speed. Spare a thought for yourself, and give a second or two before turning on the engine to vroom. There are people who jump red lights on the opposite side, without bothering that you would move ahead – respecting the green light. So look left and right, and then move on!
Swerve when needed and know when
Tough to make anyone understand the importance of this point, but surely it is of utmost importance nevertheless. It comes by practice though and when behind the wheel, swerving is for emergency situations only. This is especially when you are at an intersection and would not have had the time to look left or right, and a car or a vehicle comes head on. To avoid collision, swerving is best used as a defense!
Maintain safe distance
We often laugh and joke at the placards placed on most car and vehicle plates, but there is a reason why such messages are put up- we don’t respect space! One of the biggest reasons why collisions happen is because we ram into the car in front or someone bangs into ours from behind. If you are travelling say at 120mph on the highway, wouldn’t you want to have at least a foot or two of space between your vehicle and the one’s ahead or behind? There are people who cut you off while driving, swear at you for using defensive practices and yell at you too- stay calm and be a good citizen by driving safe!
Remember these five tips and drive home safe- you have someone waiting over dinner for you!
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